The Ex-Mormon Files is on
Roku TV

ROKU TV is an excellent way of viewing The Ex-Mormon Files on your TV! Roku provides free, broadcast quality video-on-demand access to all of our programming (except the first 47 episodes, which are only available on this website.)

To add the FREE Ex-Mormon Files channel to your Roku account, you can do ONE of TWO things:

1. From your Roku TV screen, navigate to the "Search" function and use your remote to key in the name of the channel (Ex Mormon Files). You'll probably only have to type in the first 3 or 4 letters (e-x-m-...) before the channel shows up on the list of choices. Use your remote to select the channel to add to your line-up.


2. Log in to your Roku account on your computer or mobile device, and from your main account page, click on the "Add a Channel" link. When the next page opens, Enter the code: EXMF

(You can also add the channel to your account
with THIS LINK.)

Once you have added the code, it may take several hours or up to a day for the channel to show up in your channel line-up. If you want the channel to show up immediately, you can force a system update from your Roku TV device's home menu. From your Roku TV home menu, go to:

Settings >> System >> System Update.

This will force a system update, which will include adding any new channels to your device. (This may take a minute or two.)

If you do not have a ROKU device, they can be purchased at most retail stores where electronics are sold (Costco, Wal-Mart, etc.) as well as online. You will need high-speed Internet in your home in order to use a Roku device. Prices range from about $40 to $99, depending on the type of device you need for your particular set-up. Click here for more information.


Polygamy: What Love Is This

Our other program, Polygamy: What Love Is This? is also available on Roku TV. To add that channel as well, use the same instructions as above. If you use a code to add your program, use:  PWLIT  or the link:



Copyright Copyright 2025 by The Ex Mormon Files
Address PO Box 9171   •   Salt Lake City, UT 84109-0171
Telephone 385.220.5111 Email

 A ministry of  Main Street Church of Brigham City
Address 48 N. Main Street  •  Brigham City, UT 84302    map
Phone 435.723.6469